Hypertension - My Battle with the Silent Killer (5/10/2024)
(Last Updated - 10/1/2024)
All of the information below is for educational purposes only and not to be used as medical advice.
The purpose of this article is to document methods I employed to control my high blood pressure.
I advise readers of this page to consult their doctor before making any changes to medication or diet as well as implementing any of the techniques discussed below.
Keep in mind that there are some foods that can have an adverse reaction when taken with certain medication.
I cannot say that any one or two of the lifestyle changes below are the be-all and end-all solution for high blood pressure.
However, I believe that these changes implemented as a whole have significantly helped to reduce my blood pressure. There are no short cuts.
What is high blood pressure?
Why did the skeptic suffer from high blood pressure? He was taking everything with a grain of salt.
Of course, high blood pressure (hypertension) needs to be taken very seriously and is anything but a laughing matter.
In the United States nearly one-half of all adults over 20 have high blood pressure.
Less than one-half of them have their blood pressure under control (McRae, 2022, page 2).
Blood pressure is a measurement of how hard your heart has to work to circulate blood through your body (Sinatra, 2003, page 5).
When the heart is outputting blood, your blood vessels are either closed to receive them or open to receive them.
If they are clamped down the vessels are closed and you will have high blood pressure and less blood flow to all of the places that you need it.
Think of a water hose that is pouring water. If you squeeze the hose the pressure increases and less water is sprayed through the hose.
When your heart must work harder than normal for a long period of time, it gets bigger and bigger.
If your heart gets extremely enlarged it will fail (Sinatra, 2003, page 5).
High blood pressure adds to the workload of the heart and arteries. If it continues for a long time, the heart and arteries may not function properly.
This can damage the blood vessels of the brain, heart, and kidneys, resulting in a stroke, heart failure, or kidney failure
(Ramipril; Mayoclinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ramipril-oral-route/description/drg-20069179).
Blood pressure is impacted in a positive way by vitamin D levels, magnesium levels, nitric oxide levels, and antioxidants.
Blood pressure is impacted in a negative way by calcium, insulin resistance, high blood sugar, aging, and stress.
Blood vessels stiffen over time. This is called calcification and is a result of aging and decreased nitric oxide levels.
This can also be caused by phosphate and calcium build up. This is why I do not supplement calcium
(This Is What You NEED To know To Reduce Your Blood Pressure Naturally 9/23/2023; Ross, Dr. Rachael, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l79JBVP2rdY).
The Silent Killer
What did the systolic say to the diastolic? I always come first.
Even a rattlesnake will warn its victim before it strikes but that is not the case with hypertension and why it is called the silent killer.
Many who have this condition do not experience symptoms.
It is most often discovered in the doctor's office after a reading is taken with a blood pressure monitor.
Normal blood pressure is when the top number (systolic) is under 120 and the bottom number (diastolic) is under 80. A range of 120-129/80 is considered elevated.
Stage 1 hypertension exists with a reading of 130-139/80-89. A person is considered to have stage 2 hypertensin with a reading of 140-180/90-120.
Crisis hypertension exists with a reading greater than or equal to 180/120 or greater.
NORMAL | LT 120 | AND | LT 80 |
ELEVATED | 120-129 | AND | LT 80 |
STAGE 1 | 130-139 | OR | 80-89 |
STAGE 2 | 140 or Higher | OR | 90 or Higher |
HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS | Higher than 180 | AND/OR | Higher than 120 |
Isolated systolic hypertension is a condition in which only your systolic (top) number is high when you check your blood pressure.
With this condition, your systolic number can be higher than 130 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) while your diastolic (bottom) number is lower than 90 millimeters of mercury (Mayo Clinic; Isolated Systolic Hypertension: a health concern? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/expert-answers/hypertension/faq-20058527).
Isolated systolic hypertension can be caused by conditions such as:
- Artery stiffness
- An overactive thyroid, also called hyperthyroidism
- Diabetes
- Heart valve disease
- Obesity
There are two stages that involve energy within the ventricular muscles themselves.
The systolic function describes the stage of the heartbeat (as the heart beats) when the lower chamber of the heart muscle contract,
squeezing blood out of the arteries. The systolic contraction empties most of the blood out of the heart chambers.
After the contraction phase of the heartbeat there is a brief period of rest, usually less than one-third of a second.
It's during this relaxation, or diastolic phase that the heart refills with blood for the next contraction.
So, diastolic is the resting phase of the cardiac cycle when the healthy heart relaxes and accommodates incoming blood volume (Sinatra, 2011, pp41-42).
On November 21, 2021, I went to the doctors for my annual physical. After checking my weight,
taking my pulse and inquiring about my general wellbeing my doctor strapped the blood pressure monitor cuff on my left arm and started pumping away.
I have had my BP checked many times and it was always perfect so there was no cause for concern. I was sadly mistaken.
After checking my reading my doctor gave me an alarmed look and started pumping again. The second reading confirmed the first. My blood pressure was 200/119.
I was in the "crisis" category and was diagonesed as having Primary or Essential hypertention. This is haveing high blood pressure not due to an underlying disease.
Most people have this kind of hypertension.
In 90 to 95 percent of cases, the cause of hypertension is unknown. This type of blood pressure is called essential hypertension.
In the remaining cases, high blood pressure is a symptom of a recognizable underlying problem, such as kidney abnormality,
a tumor of the adrenal gland, an over active thyroid gland, or a congenial defect of the aorta.
In these 5 to 10 percent cases, after the root cause is corrected, blood pressure normally returns to normal.
The latter type of high blood pressure is called secondary hypertension (Sinatra, 2003, page 12).
Hypertension can be treated in two ways through medication and/or life style changes.
What did the doctor say to the audience when he could not read his handwritten notes? Is there a pharmacist in the house.
After being diagnosed with hypertension my doctor prescribed two pills to treat my condition, Triamterenne-HCTZ and Ramipril.
Triamterene-HCTZ - The combination of triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide is used to treat high blood pressure and edema
(fluid retention; excess fluid held in body tissues)
in patients who have lower amounts of potassium in their bodies or for whom low potassium levels in the body could be dangerous.
The combination of triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide is in a class of medications called diuretics ('water pills').
They work by causing the kidneys to get rid of unneeded water and salt from the body into the urine.
Side effects include frequent urination and headaches (MedlinePlus, Triamterene and Hydrochlorothiazide, https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a601125.html ).
This medication is a combination of two "water pills" (diuretics) triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide. It is used for people who have developed low potassium.
It causes you to make more urine, which helps your body get rid of extra salt and water
(WebMD, Triamterene-HCTZ Capsule-uses, side Effects and More, https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-75511/triamterene-hctz-oral/details).
Diuretics decrease the volume of blood, which decreases heart output, so less blood is being pumped through the blood vessels.
Typical side effects include: mineral depletion, including sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
Increased blood glucose, LDL and triglycerides; impotence (Sinatra, 2003, page 17).
One of the issues with diuretics is that they deplete Zinc causing more of a blood pressure problem (The Most Overlooked Cause of Hypertension; Berg, Dr. Eric, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=215MnwwDwdQ).
Ramipril is an ACE inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure. It helps relax the veins and arteries to reduce blood pressure.
ACE inhibiters raise the potassium level in your blood lowering your blood pressure,
however if you are eating a diet that is high in potassium then your potassium can get too high. This can tax the kidneys and the kidneys
(Story, Dr. Adam J, Youtube - " Lower blood pressure in 3:28 minutes"; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqkp6pkb0F0).
ACE inhibitors block the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II.
A-II is one of the main hormones that causes blood vessels constriction which contributes to hypertension (Sinatra, 2003 page 16).
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are heart medications that widen, or dilate, your blood vessels.
That increases the amount of blood your heart pumps and lowers blood pressure. They also raise blood flow, which helps to lower your heart's workload
(WebMD, ACE Inhibitors and Heart Disease, https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/medicine-ace-inhibitors).
One of the issues with ACE inhibitors is that they deplete Zinc, tend to increase potassium levels in the body,
and many interact negatively with arginine (Sinatra, 2003, page 19).
Typical side effects include: cough, dizziness, kidney disfunction, excessive potassium retention, taste alteration (Sinatra, 2003 page 16).
ACE inhibitors also deplete Zinc causing more of a blood pressure problem (The Most Overlooked Cause of Hypertension; Berg, Dr. Eric, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=215MnwwDwdQ).
There are other medications as well. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker used to treat high blood pressure as well as chest pains also called angina.
This medication works by blocking the calcium channels. Amlodipine helps to widen and relax the blood vessels. Side effects include:
- Swelling of the feet and ankles
- Flushing or warmth in the face
- Dizziness and lightheadedness
Amlodipine also goes by the name Norvask (Taking Amlodipine? Most Common Side Effects and How you can Reduce Side Effects! ; Richardson, Dr. Katrina, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jsgF-B-2tw).
Calcium blockers prevent calcium from enetering the cells so your heart will not beat as strongly reducing your blood pressure.
Magnesium is a natural channel blocker (see below).
Beta Blockers are used to block adrenaline. If there is too much adrenaline in the body blood pressure will go up.
Vitamin D and magnesium are natural beta blockers that naturally decrease adrenaline (Berg, Dr. Eric., You Will Never Get High Blood Pressure after Watching This Video
, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUu0vqcP7fE ).
Blood pressure is a reflection of your overall health.
When you become unhealthy your body compensates by changing internally and one of the things that happens is your blood pressure goes up.
When this occurs, your doctor will likely place you on multiple blood pressure pills and like magic your blood pressure returns to normal.
The problem is that you have changed your numbers but you did not change your health
(Story, Dr. Adam J., When can I get off of Blood Pressure Medication, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T5E1t9Vx0c ).
Blood pressure medications can have serious side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, ED, headaches and weakness. Some of the side effects of Ramipril include
(Mayo Clinic, Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/aceinhibitors/art-20047480 ):
- Dry cough.
- Too much potassium in the blood.
- Extreme tiredness or dizziness from blood pressure going too low.
- Headaches.
- Loss of taste.
- Rarely, short-term worsening of kidney function.
Many blood pressure medications have been recalled because of some extremely major problems (Story, Dr. Adam J, Youtube -
"Seriously, How I overcame High blood Pressure Naturally"; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cweVOWubVE8 ).
When to take your Blood Pressure
Why was the blood pressure cuff the best player on the team? It never choked under pressure.
The doctor prescribed blood pressure medication to treat my hypertension. When I went to the pharmacy to pick up my medication,
I purchased a blood pressure monitor kit.
For most people the last time they had their blood pressure checked was their last visit to the doctor's office.
This may have occurred a week ago, maybe a month, perhaps a year ago.
Many people may have high blood pressure and not know it because the silent killer often has no symptoms.
You are placing yourself at risk by not regularly having your BP checked.
By purchasing a blood pressure monitor kit I was able to take my BP regularly in a comfortable setting.
I take mine once per day usually in the morning, after sitting for five to ten minutes. It is important to do this when you are relaxed.
I do this before eating or drinking. This gives me my resting natural blood pressure. I keep a recording of my readings and share it with my doctor.
How to take your Blood Pressure
Below are some recommendations by Dr. Alan Mandell on how to properly administer blood pressure readings
(Mandell, Dr. Alan, Youtube - "Avoid these 15 Common Blood Pressure Mistakes"; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2qiFbWAuJk ):
- Wait 30 minutes after exercising.
- Rest at least 5 minutes before.
- Do not measure with a full bladder.
- Sit upright with your back level, don't slouch.
- Best to measure at the same time. Morning is best on an empty stomach.
- Take multiple readings one minute apart.
- Purchase a new machine each year.
- Do not talk during measurement.
Stressed is desserts spelled backwards!
One of the major contributing factors to high blood pressure is stress. Stress can result from difficult family relationships, death in the family, financial problems,
moving, issues with traffic, health issues, or problems in the work place. This provokes the release of adrenaline and cortisol in the body, all of which can lead to high blood pressure (Sinatra, 2003, page 13).
Ironically, my issues with hypertension began not long after I retired.
There are many effective ways to relieve stress. Some of the methods that have helped me are, deep breathing, exercise, reading, listening to music, singing,
gardening, laughing, and getting plenty of sleep.
Perhaps the best remedy for relieving stress is good old-fashioned laughter. I limit my time watching or reading about events that I find troubling.
I spend very little time watching the news. I tune in for the "big story", a little sports and some weather. This is local news only.
I no longer watch national news or pay attention to talk shows. This applies to the radio as well. It is either music or sports. I avoid political talk shows.
I try to go to bed happy and laughing each night by watching old comedy shows. Some of my favorites are: The Honeymooners, King of Queens and Sanford and Son.
Currently, I am viewing re-runs of Seinfeld.
Why did Charles Darwin start working out? He believed in the survival of the fittest.
I cannot over emphasize the importance of exercise in lowering the blood pressure. As we age the sedentary life style, we have adopted takes its toll.
We roll out of our cushy beds in the morning, hop into a car with warmed seats and drive to work,
then come home to spend the rest of the evening in our sofas or recliners. This activity can lead to hardening of the arteries and heart disease.
The best "medicine" to combat this is of course exercise.
Exercise targets one of the most mysterious and silent causes of high blood pressure: insulin resistance (Sinatra, 2003, page 78).
When your blood sugar spikes very quickly, your pancreas releases a lot of insulin to bring the sugar down. Insulin is a hormone that acts as an escort.
So it escorts the sugar out of the blood and into the cell to be used for energy.
When the sugar spikes very often over time your cells have enough and will not take any more sugar and your cells begin to resist insulin.
This is known as insulin resistance. If the cell is resisting insulin the sugar stays in the blood causing the pancreas to work harder to create more insulin in an attempt to get the sugar into the cell to lower the blood sugar.
This leads to fatigue, weight gain, and poor blood sugar control (Richardson, Dr. Kat, Youtube - Reverse Diabetes and Prediabetes (Best 7 FOODS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW3Ec48WGB8).
When insulin receptor sites can no longer function properly, your blood glucose levels stall in those high numbers,
continually signaling your body to produce more and more insulin.
Eventually, these continually high levels of insulin trigger the production of inflammatory levels that constrict blood vessels, promote clotting,
and promote arterial plaque development. Independently, each one of those factors can raise your blood pressure.
In combination, they create hypertension that can be resistant to traditional pharmaceuticals (Sinatra, 2003, page 78).
In Dr. Peter Attias' book The Science and Art of Longevity, he recommends exercising cardiovascular three and half hours a week.
This can be accomplished simply by taking a brisk half hour walk daily. Of course, doing it all at once will not be effective. The exercise should be broken up.
I highly recommend isometric exercise. Some of the exercises I do consist of wall sitting, planking and squeezing a hand grip.
Isometric exercise is where your muscles are not moving. Initially your body will restrict the blood vessels.
Afterwards it will bring more oxygen and nutrients to the muscle your working opening up the arteries and lowering your blood pressure
(Story, Dr. Adam, Youtube - 2 Science-Based ways to Lower BLOOD PRESSURE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xDPxiBj3Qc).
Every day (7 days a week not 6) I do some type of cardiovascular exercise to strengthen my heart. I do not take a day off.
The stronger the heart is the less often it needs to beat to pump blood throughout the entire body.
I exercise daily by either walking, biking or using the elliptical machine at the fitness center. My walks consist of two-mile hikes in the park.
It should be done at a brisk pace. What isa brisk pace? Your heart rate should be 180 minus your age.
So if you are fifty year old you want to get your heart rate up to 130 (180 - 50 = 130). This will dilate your blood vessels.
In the summer I bike six to ten miles. On bad weather days I take it in doors and complete one hour on the elliptical machine.
I also partake in light resistance training by lifting weights two or three times a week.
I feel the best form of cardiovascular exercise is done outdoors. That is why hiking has become one of my favorite pastimes.
Sometimes I take nature hikes that cover six to nine miles. In Japan the term shirrin-yoku means "forest bathing".
It is a program the Japanese use to promote sitting or walking in the woods.
The Japanese have found that people who spent 15 minutes sitting in and then walking through nature experience drops in blood pressure.
After two hours in the woods people with high levels of stress felt a significant drop in anxiety and depression (Easter, 2021).
Hobbies and physical chores such as gardening, lawn mowing, and other household chores have also helped me.
Be sure to consult your doctor before partaking in an exercise program.
What did sir Lancelot wear to bed? A knight gown!
Getting the proper amount of sleep is very important in maintaining normal blood pressure. Fortunately, I have never had a problem with insomnia.
I can usually put myself to sleep shortly after my head hits the pillow. If I do have trouble falling asleep,
I perform some deep breathing exercises (see below) before bedtime. At times I try laying on my left side and plugging my right nostril with my finger.
Then I breath through my left nostril. After a few minutes I feel relaxed and ready for sleep.
Keep in mind the darker the room the easier it is to sleep so lights out and shades down. I keep the room cool.
The cooler the room the cozier you feel and the better you sleep. Also not eating three hours before bedtime is very important.
This goes double for consuming alcohol.
Why are most ghosts vegans? Because it's super-natural.
There are many foods that I eat to help lower blood pressure just as there are many foods I avoid.
It is extremely important to avoid processed foods and load up on fruits, vegetables and whole-grains.
Processed foods are loaded with sodium and sugar. This includes but is not limited to pizza, ice cream and my favorite the chocolate chip cookie.
Does this mean that you can never enjoys these foods again? Of course not but they need to be kept to a minimum.
There are also substitutes that you can enjoy and over time you might like them better. We now make home-made pizza.
We use a low sodium gravy and top it with plenty of delicious vegetables.
Fruit smoothies are a refreshing drink that can be made with an assortment of tasty fruits. Popcorn is also a very healthy snack. Just make sure you pop it yourself.
Microwaveable popcorn is a no-no. Sorry, still haven't found a substitute for the chocolate chip cookie. Although dark chocolate is good and loaded with nitrates.
Dark chocolate contains steric acid which is neutral to cholesterol. Dark chocolate contains polyphenols which lower LDL cholesterol.
However, it must be 90% dark chocolate.
Eating fish provides you with incredible health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids such as eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are found in fish oils.
These oils stimulate the production of chemical mediators, which in turn relax the smooth muscles.
In addition, fish oil stimulates the production of favorable hormones, such as prostaglandins, which have an anticlotting effect.
All together the omega-3s are great for blood pressure by lowering and the prevention of arteriosclerosis.
In addition to their relaxing effect on smooth muscle, omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce blood pressure by blocking the effects of vasoconstrictor chemical mediators that raise blood pressure (Sinatra, 2003. Page 85).
Why don't more people add cayenne pepper to their oatmeal? Because it's a real cereal killer.
I start my day by drinking a 12-ounce glass of lemon water on an empty stomach. The lemon will increase the vitamin c intake and function of the immune system.
It adds a refreshing flavor with other positive benefits to match.
Lemon helps decrease inflammation, and citric acid is good at preventing kidney stones (McRae, 2022, page 2).
Water upon waking gives the liver a gentile flush and provides hydration to all your cells (William, 2019, page 106).
Lemons are an excellent source of potassium. Potassium helps your body flush our excess sodium.
Lemons also contain vitamin c which can improve blood vessel function and reduce inflammation.
It is best to drink this in the morning for maximum absorption of its benefits
(Health and Medicine Hub, The top 7 Drinks for Lowering Your High Blood Pressure, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UujuWaIKUGI ).
Lemon has nutrients that strengthen arteries. Lemons help lower blood pressure.
They contain citric acid that has positive effects on our cardiovascular system and can help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
I strongly recommend drinking the lemon water through a straw to protect your tooth enamel from the lemon juice acidity.
I also rinse my mouth with water after finishing my drink.
Fifteen to thirty minutes after drinking the lemon water I drink 16 ounces of pure celery juice. When I say pure, I mean I use only celery. I do not even add water.
This requires a juicer. Two bunches of celery will usually do the trick. For this I try to use organic celery (see Celery Juice below).
Breakfast usually consists of on-half cup of rolled oats. Oatmeal is rich in carbs and fiber which stabilizes your blood sugar. It is high in antioxidants.
It contains compounds called polyphenols. Oatmeal contains a soluble fiber called beta-glucan which reduces LDL and raises HDL. Oatmeal helps lower blood sugar.
I add one teaspoon of ground flax seeds to my oatmeal. I also sprinkle it with a dash of cayenne pepper.
I also cut up one banana, some raisons and pomegranate.
Cayenne Pepper reduces cholesterol levels and prevents the buildup of plaque in the arteries. It helps speed up the metabolic rate helping weight loss.
It creates nitric oxide in the blood vessels causing vassal dilation and lowering blood pressure
(1 shot Opens Arteries on the Spot, Mandell, Dr. Alan, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5hQNiQqKyA ).
Flaxseeds are among the oldest known cultivated food crops. They are high in protein, fiber and other nutrients that promote overall health and can help lower blood pressure (McRae, 2022, page 2).
What is a honeymoon salad? Lettuce alone with no dressing!
Most days I start with a big bowl of green leafy vegetables. This usually includes kale, arugula, cabbage, and spinach.
Dark green, leafy vegetables are the healthiest foods on the planet (Greger, 2015, page 311).
I also add some nuts and seeds such as walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts (only two) and pumpkin seeds.
Spinach contains potassium that helps lower blood pressure. Also contains nitrates that are converted into nitric oxide.
Afterwards I might have a small bowl of black, white or garbanzo beans. I sometimes have this with a half of sweet potato or half of chicken breast.
Occasionally I just have a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread.
What did the customer say to the butcher? Nice to "meat" you!
I am mostly on a plant-based diet so I do not consume much meat. Once or twice a month I will have one beef burger that is 100% grass fed angus beef.
Beef offers a high source of protein and vitamin B.
Once a week I will have one boneless - skinless organic free range chicken breast. This is a good source of potassium and also contains vitamin k.
I usually have fish twice a week. Mostly salmon which is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate productivity of nitric oxides.
Also reduces thickness of blood and lowers triglycerides.
Twice a week I dine on whole wheat pasta with spinach and broccoli cooked in olive oil. I also have this dish with low sodium red gravy.
Tomatoes in red gravy are rich in lycopene.
I incorporate beans, sweet and purple potatoes and a myriad of vegetables in many of my meals. The more colors the better.
Why does vegetables always come out on top? Because they are Un-Beet-Able!
Smoothies are an excellent way of incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet. It is also a good way of hiding a food that you don't care for but want the nutrients it provides.
For me this would be avocado and beets.
I have two smoothies that I make on a regular basis. Both are extremely healthy. For the first one I cut up two or three red beets, one banana,
a handful of purple grapes, some fresh pineapple, and some frozen mango. I add a half cup of water with a tea-spoon of flaxseeds.
Add a few ice cubes and put it in the blender for one minute. Very tasty.
Beets are high in nitrates which your body converts into nitric oxide that relaxes and dilates blood vessels. I do not like to eat beets but hiding them in my smoothie hide the taste.
My second favorite smoothie is to add one half avocado, one banana, one orange and frozen mango.
I add a half cup of water with a tea-spoon of flaxseeds. Add a few ice cubes and put it in the blender for one minute.
Avocado is high in fat but it is the heart-healthy monounsaturated kind, offering invaluable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection.
Avocados are equally rich in vitamin e, folic acid, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid (Sinatra, 2003, page 110).
Celery Juice
Why didn't the vegetable take the job? The celery was too low!
This plant contains magnesium, potassium, and a phytonutrient called 3-N-butyl phthalide.
Together these phytonutrients work synergistically to produce a blood pressure lowering effect (Amagada, 2022, page 216).
I consume celery by drinking it. For celery juice to be effective it must be taken as straight celery juice. I do not add fruit or even water.
I drink it on an empty stomach. Otherwise, it would lose its full healing power (William, 2019).
Isn't it better to eat the celery and get the benefit from the fiber?
It is not possible to eat enough celery sticks and chew them to the degree you would have to in order to get what you need from them (William, 2019, page 140).
Celery is a herb and celery juice is the medicine you make from it. To make celery work for us at an optimum level, it must be extracted into a juice.
This isn't your standard vegetable juice. It's herbal medicine (William, 2019).
If you blend celery without straining the pulp, the fiber will actually block some of the celery juice's benefits.
Plus, it will bulk up the liquid and keep you from drinking enough celery juice to tap into its healing power (William, 2019, page 106).
Celery is rich in potassium. It also contains compounds that help relax the muscles in and around your arteries allowing for smother blood flow.
Best to take in the morning on an empty stomach (Health and Medicine Hub, The top 7 Drinks for Lowering Your High Blood Pressure, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UujuWaIKUGI ).
Celery juice contains complete living electrolytes: sodium cluster salts in full completion. This is what makes celery juice the ultimate electrolyte source.
Electrolytes help cells receive oxygen. They provide cells with the ability to detoxify and eliminate poisons (William, 2019, page 16).
Should I be concerned about the salt content of celery? Absolutely not. Our bodies are intelligent.
Your body knows the difference between added salt and natural salt; your body may struggle to deal with the added salt, but it knows what to do the natural salt.
Your homeostatic mechanisms will kick in and take care of any presumed excess sodium from celery (Amagada, 2022, pp 217-218).
Celery juice revives the liver, flushing out the overload of toxins and reinvigorating liver cells so that the organ can perform it's over 2,000 chemical functions (William, 2019, page 16).
Celery juice helps free the liver of the poisons and toxins that clog it. When the liver becomes too taxed it starts letting out dirty blood that's filled with toxins.
The heart has to work 10 to 50 times harder to create suction to draw this thicker blood up from the clogged filter of the liver.
That's what causes hypertension (William, 2019, page 63).
Consumed on a regular basis, celery juice can keep working away at cleaning up toxic debris inside the liver so the heart doesn't have to overexert itself (William, 2019, pp 63-64).
Hibiscus Tea
This tea contains compounds that help relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It acts as a natural ACE inhibiter which relaxes the vascular system. It is loaded with antioxidants and lowers LDL cholesterol.
It stimulates the kidneys to act as a diuretic to get rid of excess fluid. (Mandell, Dr, Alan, 1 cup lowers your blood pressure and sugar, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpBFiRmjHas) .
It is thought that the phytochemicals in the hibiscus flower encourage our kidneys to reduce reabsorption of sodium, leading to high sodium excretion.
Reduced sodium reabsorption in the kidneys shrinks blood volume and lowers blood pressure (Amagada, 2022, page 211).
I use 1 cup of water, 1 hibiscus tea bag and 1 gram of stevia. The World Health organization considers up to 1.8 mg of stevia compounds per pound of body weight to be a safe amount (Greger, 2015, page 389).
I try to drink at least three cups of hibiscus tea each day but 3 to 5 cups would be ideal.
I use a straw to keep the tea away from my teeth and then rise my mouth with water. And do not brush my teeth for at least on hour after drinking.
Check with your doctor before taking this tea if you are on a diuretic.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
I was drinking 12 ounces of lemon water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach each morning.
I now take it an hour before dinner instead because it conflicts with my consumption of celery juice each morning.
When ACV hits celery juice, it oxidizes the celery juice immediately, making it go bad (William, 2019, page 135).
One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with the Mother, to 1 cup of water with one-half squeezed lemon 20 minutes before your first meal.
This can be done 2 to 3 times a day before each meal. It lowers LDL and raises HDL cholesterol (Mandell, Dr. Alan, 2 glasses a day for 1 week for a flat stomach and healthier body, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHkcmPN4gzU ).
A small drink of alcohol will temporarily lower your blood pressure for about twelve hours. Then it returns to what it was.
Since most people cannot limit their consumption to such a small amount it is best to avoid drinking alcohol all together.
Over the long run, chronic use of alcohol raises your blood pressure. Alcohol is a poison to the liver and the liver is what cleanses your blood (Story, Dr. Adam J., Alcohol and High Blood Pressure, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uEOw-coXuY ).
I have not had a drink in over two years and I don't miss it.
Tasty Treats
Why did the vanilla ice cream go to therapy? It had an identity crisis.
Had I been asked to list my favorite treats a few years ago my list would likely include pie, chips, pretzels and cookies. Don't get me wrong.
I still have these snacks on occasion but it is the exception not the norm.
If you were to open our kitchen cabinet you would most likely find a package of Oreo cookies, however the package would probably be mostly filled.
I don't eat them that often and when I do, I only have two cookies. Most of my treats now consists of tasty fruit dishes.
Some might question all of the sugar in fruits? They are confusing the fructose in fruit with high-fructose corn syrup.
Consuming sugar in fruit form is not only harmless but actually helpful. Low-dose fructose may actually benefit blood sugar control.
Eating a piece of fruit with each meal could be expected to lower, rather than raise, the blood sugar response (Greger, 2015, page 127).
When you eat fruit with its natural sugar, you are also eating its other nutrients such as fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients.
Eating sugar through berries is like pouring water through a sponge. The sponge is going to absorb the water very slowly keeping everything in balance.
The other nutrients in the fruit balances out the sugar
(Richardson, Dr. Kat, Youtube - Reverse Diabetes and Prediabetes (Best 7 FOODS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW3Ec48WGB8).
If you eat meals that have some carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables with some protein and fat, the protein and fat will slow down the absorption of sugar.
A few of my favorite treats are listed below:
- Fresh pineapple (my favorite fruit)
- Blueberries with pomegranate, watermelon or strawberries (very high in anti-oxidants)
- Banana (I try to have two each day)
- Chopped apple with raisons and Ceylon cinnamon (an apple a day . . .)
- Dried prunes (I eat six a day)
- Dark chocolate (90% or more)
Minerals and Herbs
Aged Garlic
Contains Allicin which reduces blood pressure by relaxing and dilating blood vessels. Also lowers cholesterol. We try to add cooked garlic to many of our meals.
Of course garlic is most effective when it is eaten raw. It also has a terrible odor. That is why I supplement with age garlic. I take 7,500 mg a day.
Research has also shown that aged garlic extract can help reduce the amount of "soft plaque" in the arteries.
Soft plaque is more likely to break off and cause a blockage that leads to a heart attack.
The research, conducted at LA BioMed, found a reduction in the amount of low-attenuation plaque, or "soft plaque,"
in the arteries of patients with metabolic syndrome who took Aged Garlic Extract. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by obesity,
hypertension and other cardiac risk factors (New Study shows Aged Garlic can reduce dangerous plaque buildup in arteries, ScienceDaily, 1/21/2016, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160121122158.htm).
Potassium helps to balance the sodium/potassium ratio in blood vessels, which is critical for relaxing the smooth muscle cells that line your blood vessels.
Potassium also helps promote the excretion of sodium. Too much sodium raises blood pressure (Sinatra, 2003, page 64).
The recommended daily allowance for potassium is 4,700 mg. Only 3% of Americans met the recommended intake of potassium in the 2003-2006 NHANES representative sample (Amagada, 2022, page 183).
For several weeks I kept track of my potassium intake. I rarely hit the 4,700 magic number but I did come close.
I have made a conscience effort to include potassium rich foods in my diet. Some of them include salmon, chicken breast, avocado, banana,
sweet potato and dried fruits. Coconut water is very high in potassium. I don't care for it but hiding it in my smoothie could be an option.
Magnesium acts much like a calcium channel blocker by preventing blood vessel spasms. Magnesium also gives you more energy, reduces muscle cramping,
and helps encourage a sense of well-being. Even better it starts the blood pressure numbers on a downward course (Sinatra, 2003, page 62).
Americans consume only a third of their recommended daily allowance.
Epidemiological and experimental studies have demonstrated an inverse relationship between magnesium levels and blood pressure.
Small changes in magnesium levels influence how stiff or relaxed a blood vessel is (Amagada, 2022, pp 186-187).
Magnesium helps dilate blood vessels (relax blood vessels) reducing resistance and enabling blood to flow freely leading to lower BP.
Magnesium lowers the amount of sodium inside our cells, as well as the amount of calcium. Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker (Amagada, 2022, page 187).
Magnesium is an electrolyte as well as a mineral. It helps reduce inflammation. It also helps your heart relax.
Males should take 400mg, females 310mg (Story, Dr. Adam J.., Why magnesium is so good for your heart, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxdiwRVTkl4 ).
Signs of low magnesium include:
- Nausea
- Constipation
- Headaches
- Night time leg cramps
- Numbing or tingling in the hands
- Heart palpitations
A general rule is to take 500mg per day as a supplement (Story, Dr. Adam J., 8 supplements that lower blood pressure, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfHxX8ZEHv8 ).
As many as half the people in the United States are magnesium deficient. How do we lose it?
Physicians have long been aware that alcohol and caffeine promote excessive primary excretion of magnesium, as do diuretics (Sinatra, 2011, page 185).
Clinical research supports the recommendation that magnesium supplementation is appropriate for anyone with high blood pressure,
especially those taking diuretics for blood pressure lowering,
who are at risk to excrete excessive amounts of magnesium such as patients with type 2 diabetes (Sinatra, 2011, page 191).
One reason to use a magnesium supplement is that many times our foods do not contain the magnesium levels we need due to depleted soil.
There are several different types of magnesium that can help with a wide array of issues such as sleep, constipation, and depression. I use Magnesium Taurate.
This may be the best form for managing high blood sugar and high blood pressure. I take 500 mg before bedtime.
Foods that I eat that are high in magnesium are:
- Spinach
- Oats
- Buckwheat
- Pumpkin seeds
- Brazil nuts (not more than 2)
- Almonds
- Black beans
- Chickpeas
- Bananas
- Avocados
- Dark chocolate (90% or more).
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is a powerful smooth muscle relaxant with potent blood pressure lowering effects (Amagada, 2022, page 189).
Without enough nitric oxide, your arteries can stiffen, become dysfunctional, and raise your blood pressure and your risk for heart attack (Greger, 2015, page 137).
I consume a myriad of vegetables to help increase nitric oxide. Some I eat and some I add to my daily smoothie.
I also avoid mouthwash because it kills nitric oxide. Some of the nitric-rich foods I consume are:
- Beetroot
- Spinach
- Arugula
- Radish
- Celery
- Kale
Salt blocks fluid in the blood vessels, giving the heart more work to do (Sinatra, 2003, page 13).
I am always on guard to limit the amount of sodium in my diet. I never use table salt and constantly read labels to check on the sodium content.
Processed foods like potato chips that are high in sodium have been eliminated from my diet. I even refrain from cheese pizza opting instead for a tomato pie.
Cheese ranks as a leading contributor of sodium in the American diet (Greger, 2015, page 127).
I now eat only organic chicken that contains 75 mg for a 3-ounce serving. The poultry industry commonly injects chicken carcasses with salt water to artificially inflate their weight (Greger, 2015, page 127).
Sodium is an essential nutrient, but vegetables and other natural foods provide the small amounts of sodium you need in your diet.
The American Heart association recommends everyone consume less than 1.500 mg of sodium daily - that's about three-quarters of a teaspoon of salt.
The average American adult consumes more than double that amount, about 3,500 mg daily.
Reducing sodium consumption by just 15 percent worldwide could save millions of lives every year (Greger, 2015, page 124).
Vitamins and Supplements
Vitamin K2 + D3
Heart disease is often a complication of too much calcium in the arteries. Too much calcium leads to hardening of the arteries.
As we age we get too much calcium in the arteries and not enough in the bones. To combat this many people take calcium supplements for their bones,
however research has shown that these supplements are not healthy for our cardiovascular system,
because instead of depositing the calcium in our bones it is being deposited in our arteries. This is caused by the lack of vitamin K2 in our Western diet.
The purpose of vitamin K2 is to take the calcium out of our blood stream and deposit it in our bones.
So if there is a shortage of K2 in our diet the bone will not be absorbing the calcium and the calcium will stay in our arteries (Story, Dr. Adam J, Vitamin K2: Youtube Heart vs bone, 9/30/2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSlv0gwoPwY).
Symptoms of low vitamin D include:
- Frequent illness
- Feeling tired or fatigued
- Hair loss
- Muscle and joint pain
Your vitamin D levels should range between 100 and 150. The University of California San Diego has done extensive research in vitamin D levels in humans and they have calculated that the averages person should be taking 9,600 IU a day of vitamin D3 to have an adequate level.
Dr. Steven Gundry recommends taking 5,000 IUs of vitamin D a day. It should be taken along with vitamin K2.
Vitamin K2 escorts calcium out of your blood vessels and into your bones.
One hundred micrograms of vitamin K2 should be sufficient (Story, Dr. Adam J, Vitamin K2: Youtube Heart vs bone, 9/30/2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDusQFqUEjE).
I take 90 mcg of K2 with 5000 IU's of vitamin D3 each morning and afternoon.
Dr. Eric Berg recommends that 100 mcg's of K2 should be taken with every 10,000 IU's of D3
(Berg, Dr. Eric, the Unique Benefits of using Vitamin D and K2 Combined, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBqNYt6oGCc).
Vitamin K2 takes calcium out of your blood vessels and into your bones.
Vitamin K2 also delivers Vitamin D3 from your gut to your bones. There are two types of vitamin K2 - MK-4 and MK-7.
MK-4 is found in grass fed animal products such as egg yokes, beef. Chicken and dairy. MX-7 is found in fermented foods such as soar kraut (Story, Dr. Adam J., Vitamin K2 takes the calcium out of your Arteries and into your Bones, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQIsLMjZlpU ).
MK-7 is stronger and has a longer half-life and works better pulling calcium out of your arteries ( Story, Dr. Adam J., Best Food to Clear Your Arteries, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1zfm3pMw74 ).
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It needs to be taken with food not just water.
It needs to be taken with dietary fats so that it can be absorbed into the blood stream. It must be taken with natural fats. It is best taken with a meal.
That way you do not have to worry about fats.
It should never be taken on an empty stomach (Mandell, Dr. Alan, Youtube - The 1 Thing You're Doing Wrong with Your Vitamin D! "; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7Dm7_oC9YE).
While vitamin D and potassium deficiencies can cause hypertension another cause of hypertension is the shortage of the mineral zinc. Zinc is a helper mineral for making nitric oxide which helps relax the blood vessels ( Berg, Dr. Eric, The Most Overlooked Cause of Hypertension, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=215MnwwDwdQ). I take 50 mg of Zinc each morning.
CoQ10 (9/10/2024)
Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin like compound that is found in virtually every cell in the human body.
Coenzyme Q10is naturally found in foods with the most significant coming from vegetables such as broccoli, Chinese cabbage and spinach; nuts, ocean fish, and shell fish;
and meats, notably pork, chicken and beef. However, only 2 to 5 mg per day are consumed (Sinatra, 2011, page 66).
Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the mitochondrial membrane, Mitochondrial DNA, and cell walls from free-radical attack.
But its most important function in the body is its central role in energy metabolism (Sinatra, 2011, page 202).
It was not until 1977 that Yamagami documented that actual coenzyme Q10 deficiencies in hypertensive patients exist,
and that coenzyme Q10 administration of 1-2 mg/day resulted in lower blood pressure.
Several years later, Yamagami conducted a follow-up study that confirmed the effectiveness of 100 mg/day doses of coenzyme Q10 in lowering both systolic and diastolic blood pressure following twelve weeks of administration (Sinatra, 2011, page 93).
Coenzyme Q10 improves in measurements of blood flow to the heart muscle by widening blood vessels.
Other benefits include: reduction in total cholesterol, rise in HDL, reduction in triglycerides, and lowering of blood pressure (Amagada, Dr. Joe, Say Goodbye to Fatty Liver Fast with this Supplement, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1Ff-JfXDbI).
I take 200 mg of this supplement daily.
Hawthorne Berry (1/25/2025)
Hawthorne Berries are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids and anti-oxidants. Improves the bodies production of nitric-oxide,
which helps relax blood vessels and improve elasticity lowering blood pressure. Improves cholesterol and lowers LDL and increases levels of HDL.
They also exhibit blood sugar lowering properties. (Mandel, Dr. Alan, The Miracle Berry that cleans Arteries and Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGxxYW4iHO4).
I take 1330 mg's of Hawthorn Berry Complex extra strength 4:1 extract each day.
Fish Oil
I take 2,000 mg each morning. Studies show that 1,000 to 1,500 mg of fish oil helps lower blood pressure (McRae, 2022, page 50).
Fish oil improves the viscosity of blood as well as help lower chronic inflammation (Story, Dr. Adam J., 8 supplements that lower blood pressure, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfHxX8ZEHv8 ).
I take 750 mg before bedtime.
Taking L-Arginine and L-Citrulline together as a supplement will provide both immediate as well as long term effects.
L-Arginine is fast-acting (Story, Dr. Adam J., L-Arginine and L-citrulline, 5 problems, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfHxX8ZEHv8 ).
I take 750 mg of L-Arginine before bedtime and 1000 mg each morning.
L-arginine is an amino acid with an uncanny ability to offset the damaging effects of high cholesterol.
Research has shown that L-arginine relieves coronary artery spasm and reduces blood pressure by enhancing the synthesis of nitric oxide in the cells that line the blood vessels.
L-Arginine can even retard the development of heart disease, including hardening of the arteries, by reducing plaque build-up in vessels (Sinatra, 2003, page 104).
I take 250 mg of L-Citrulline before bedtime. It is an amino acid that helps make the arteries less stiff.
(Story, Dr. Adam J., 8 supplements that lower blood pressure, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfHxX8ZEHv8 ).
L-Citrulline converts into L-Arginine and then is converted to nitric oxide.
L-Citrulline is more slow-acting (Story, Dr. Adam J., L-Arginine and L-citrulline, 5 problems, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfHxX8ZEHv8 ).
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
They also stimulate productivity of nitric oxides. Also reduces thickness of blood and lowers triglycerides. Get from fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts.
Deep Breathing
Best done at night before going to bed. Five minutes of deep breathing inhaling though the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
This increases the amount of nitric oxide that has developed in your blood stream that will help relax and dilate the blood vessels.
I try to partake in deep breathing whenever I can but I usually do it in the morning after I wake up.
I take a no more than a quarter teaspoon a day by sprinkling it on my vegetables, or soups. I add a small amount of black pepper to the turmeric.
Cayenne Pepper
I sprinkle this on anything from oatmeal, soup, potatoes and vegetables. It reduces cholesterol levels and prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries.
It helps speed up the metabolic rate helping weight loss. Creates nitric oxide in the blood vessels causing vassal dilation and lowering blood pressure
(1 shot Opens Arteries on the Spot, Mandell, Dr. Alan, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5hQNiQqKyA ).
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
EVOO is our primary cooking oil for vegetables and pasta. I also take a tablespoon before bedtime.
Contains various anti-oxidants such as vitamin D which helps to reduce inflammation in the blood vessels and heart.
It lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol and reduces triglycerides. It improves blood flow and reduces hypertension
(1 shot Opens Arteries on the Spot, Mandell, Dr. Alan, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5hQNiQqKyA ).
Why did the doctor have to close his office? He ran out of patience!
Some people might say with your healthy lifestyle you will probably live to one hundred.
Others could post the argument that tomorrow you could get hit by a bus so why bother with all of this health stuff? The latter is certainly true.
None of us knows what the future holds. As for the former; living to one hundred was never my goal.
The purpose of these lifestyle changes is to allow me to live an active life where I am able to go on long kikes,
landscape my own property, and remove snow from my walk and driveway living free of medication and staying away from hospitals and doctor's offices.
Based on my research I believe that regular exercise, plenty of sleep and a healthy diet will go a long way to reducing stress and improving blood pressure.
Supplements can also play a role. Be sure to consult your doctor with regard to these matters.
While I do not follow a specific diet, I try to consume mostly fruits and vegetables. I keep junk foods to a minimum but do cheat on occasions.
What you eat day to day matters more than what you have on occasions.
To lower your blood pressure permanently you must implement lifestyle changes daily. Just like taking medication.
The medicine must be taken on a regular basis or it will not work.
Finally, do not dismiss the power of prayer. It is your most powerful weapon!
I will continue to update this page as I learn more from experience and research. Look for the "last updated" post at the top of the page.
My average blood pressure reading for the last seven days was 114/79. I'll be happy to have that reading every day.
Updates (5/18/2024)
Due to side effects discovered with consuming chia seeds I no longer use them (A Hidden Chia Seeds Side Effect: Exploring Digestive Risk, Amagada, Joseph Dr., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zRuVtEEM60).
Amagada, Joseph Dr., (2022). Fixing Your High Blood Pressure in 90 Days or Less. Pathfinder Publications
Easter, Michael (2021). The Comfort Crisis. New York: Random House
Fisher McRae, Frita, M.D. (2022). Under Pressure: A Guide to Controlling High Blood Pressure.
Greger, Michael, M.D. (2015). How Not to Die.
Sinatra, Stephen T., M.D. (2003). Lower Your Blood Pressure in 8 Weeks.
Sinatra, Stephen T., M.D. (2011). The Sinatra Solution (Third Edition).
William, Anthony (2019). Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine Of Our Time. Hay House